Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow day

So I really thought I was going to be good about this whole blogging thing... apparently not.
Expect the next few posts to be out of order, but appreciate the time it took to write them :)

Story actually from Friday, December 4th.

It snowed last Friday.
For about half of you reading this, that's no big deal at all. You probably live in the midwest and you dread those snowy days.
Here in Texas, snow is like nothing I've ever seen.
Partially because it's the saddest example of snow, but also because Texans FLIP when it snows.

Days leading up to it everyone is terrified we're going to get snowed/frozen in. I will say, the one ice storm that happened the first year we lived here was bad... for a day or two.
So last week everyone bought their water, waited to see if school would be cancelled or delayed, but of course, the snow didn't quite live up to everyone's expectations.

Around 11:30 I noticed white specks floating outside our window so I called the kids over to squint their little eyes to try to see them.
Lucky for the kids, they went outside for recess at 12.
Even more lucky for me, I had 5 kiddos in study hall (watching kids that didn't finish their work) inside my nice, heated classroom.
Sidenote--I'm a huge wimp when it comes to cold weather--
About 20 minutes into study hall I look out the window and it is snowing.
For real snowing. Indiana flurries snowing.
So I quickly tell the kids study hall is cancelled and get your jackets!

One student didn't actually have work to finish, but had left his jacket in his mom's car so he stayed inside for recess that day.
Special note about this child... he moved here from Michigan in September.
I told him that he could just borrow a jacket from lost and found so that he could go outside.
He kindly replied, "I don't want to wear someone else's jacket."
I tried to explain to him how I knew seeing snow wasn't anything new for him, but that it was for the other 4 students about to pee their pants with excitement!

So we finally head outside, and this is what I see.

I promise.. there really is snow blowing around.
We missed when it was really blowing.
The best part was the kids were SO loving those tiny specks.
Catching them on their tongues was their favorite part.
Realize, it hasn't snowed in Austin since 2007. So some of these kids barely remember that.

Here are my kiddos, pink cheeks and all :)

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