Thursday, November 19, 2009

Inner Teenager

Tonight I will find myself feeling like a teenager again.

I have great memories of being a teenager... Singing/dancing to NSync, sleepovers, talking and giggling about boys, hanging pictures of cute boys on my walls, etc. I wish I had a scanner so I could show you just how cool I was as a teenager.

Well, tonight I'll be embracing that teenager again.

I'm going to see New Moon, at midnight.

If you know me at all, you know I'll be napping before hand because there's no way I'll make it through the movie otherwise.

So, yes. I've read all four of the Twilight books.
It all started last summer when my younger sister Lyndee was reading them. She came to visit so I read the first book. I was shocked that I actually enjoyed reading it. I think most people felt this way after having read a love story that involved a vampire. I moved onto the next book immediately. The third one took a bit longer (silly me started it in August, not my best month). Then I waited patiently for the fourth book to come out. It was actually this time last that the last book came out. I spent Thanksgiving break with my nose in the book. I didn't have many opportunities to read it, but when I did, I was sucked in (no pun intended).

I'm going to the movie with about 12 other girls. We're getting to the movie theater at 8. The movie starts at midnight. I'm sure tonight is bound to be full of some strange people. I'm hopeful I won't be one of them!

And no. I'm not wearing a Twilight/New Moon/Mrs. Cullen Tshirt :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Oh Shauna... which pictures/things would you like to see from when you were a teenager? I think I probably have a few. :) But I agree... you were very COOL! :) How did you like the movie?
